True and happy newes from Worcester. Read in the honourable House of Commons, Septem. 24. 1642. - Sent in a letter from His Excellencie the Earle of Essex upon Saturday the 24 of September, 1642. to the House of Commons. Wherein is declared a famous victory by Master Fines a member of the House of Commons over Prince Robert, who came to the said city with 500. horse, upon Thursday last. Relating also the same description of the battell and the number that was slaine on both sides, likewise the proceedings of His Majestie since his comming to the said city expressed in the said letters. Together with his resolution concerning the City of London, being happy tydings for all those that wish well to this happy resolution
Förlag |
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Om boken |
printed for Tho. White |
1642 |
England, London |
[2], 6 sidor. |